Post-Production Tip: How To Pick An Editor


By: Roberto Cardenas

The right – or wrong – editor can make or break a project. 

Who is the right editor? Obviously, you need your editor to have working knowledge of the most current editing tools and techniques and to be able to execute any special editing skills your project requires. But, also, don’t ignore the creative, collaborative and personality elements that make some editors a success and others…well, not so much.

How do you find the right editor? Below is a list of interview questions that will help you suss out if an editor is good for your team and project. Before you start asking these questions, though, we impart the following advice: 

As you ask these questions, it is important to not just listen to their answers but to hear HOW the editor answers. How they answer can tell you a lot about their ability to communicate their opinions and logic, their attention to detail, and their concept of pacing and storytelling. When they tell you about past experiences, are you engaged in their story? Do they waste breath with irrelevant details? Do they fully answer your question? Are they building to a satisfying finish? How they tell their own story can shed light on how they might string one out in an edit bay too.


·      What editing systems are you proficient with?

·      What do you do to stay current on latest trends, tools and techniques?

·      Do you have the skills to meet our specialty editing needs? (motion graphics, special effects, etc.)

·      Describe a technical challenge you experienced and how you resolved it.

·      How do you handle when a client is not happy with your work?

·      How do you respond when you disagree with a client or producer’s direction on your work?

·      What is your work process?

·      How do you determine what information/sources are relevant to a cut?

·      How do you make decisions on pacing for storytelling and purposes?

·      How much time does it take you to edit a rough cut of a (insert length of time here) piece?

·      Share an experience that demonstrates your ability to manage your time effectively and the challenges you overcame.

·      Which of your previous projects do you feel is your best work, and why?

·      Share an example of a time when you thought out of the box to solve a creative problem in a project or create a better version of the edit.

·      How much direction/collaboration vs autonomy do you prefer?

·      What television, film, etc. do you like to watch on your own time?

·      Share a time when you willingly took on additional responsibilities or challenges and how that impacted the project.

And, happy headhunting!


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